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💽 Leaf Db

Leaf Db is a new lightweight but powerful query builder which allows you quickly write dynamic queries, validate and perform operations on the data in just a single line of code.

You can install Leaf Db with Leaf CLI:

leaf install db

Or with composer:

composer require leafs/db

From there, you can link your database and start writing some awesome queries.

Db Connection

The first thing to always do is to connect to your database. Since all db operations are performed on the database, you can't do without it.

There are 3 ways to connect your database.

connect on init

This method connects to the database when initializing Leaf Db.

$db = new Leaf\Db("db_host", "user", "password", "db_name");


Connect takes in 4 params just like the method above

$db = new Leaf\Db;
$db->connect("db_host", "user", "password", "db_name");


This method allows you to connect to your database from parameters in a .env file. Most MVC frameworks and other libraries rely on a .env for a lot of configurations including the database. With autoConnect, you can directly pick up these configs.

example env:



$db = new Leaf\Db;


Making simple queries

Leaf Db provides a ton of functionality, with a bunch of powerful tools, but at the same time gives you a great deal of customizations with the query method. You can write your raw SQL queries with the query method, however you can still use the cool features Leaf Db provides.

$users = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users")->all();

You can also use parameter binding with query

$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?")->bind("1")->fetchObj();

A shorter method would be to use where

$db->query("SELECT * FROM users")->where("id", "1")->fetchObj();

You don't have to worry about security, where uses prepared statements by default, so you're pretty good.

You've seen all this, but guess what? There's something even shorter

$db->select("users")->where("id", "1")->fetchObj();

This is what Leaf Db does for you. A new way to write your Database queries without actually needing to write any real queries. Also, unlike other query builders, there's no need to create classes and models for every table you want to fetch from. Everything's accessible with one line of code.


As you saw in the example above, select makes writing select statements really simple.

It takes in 2 parameters:

  • The table to select items from
  • The columns to include (includes all by default)
// returns all items
$items = $db->select("items")->all();

// returns the username & email of all buyers
$buyers = $db->select("buyers", "username, email")->fetchAll();


The where method allows you to quickly write a where block.

$user = $db->select("users")->where("username", "mychi")->first();

You can also pass in a bunch of params to check for:

$user = $db->select("users")->where(["username" => "mychi", "password" => "..."])->first();


orWhere also functions just like where, except that in the case of multiple parameters, orWhere returns results even if one of the conditions is met, but where only returns results if all the conditions are matched.

$users = $db->select("users")->orWhere(["username" => "mychi", "username" => "darko"])->all();


whereLike is technically the same as where, except that instead of comparing stuff "strictly equal", it finds something like the value, using the like operator.

$items = $db->select("items")->whereLike("title", "c%")->all();

This finds any item with a title that starts with c. % can be used to modify how the LIKE comparism is done, however if you're not sure about the % works, leaf has Db helpers for you.

// item begins with ...
whereLike("title", Db::beginsWith("char"))

// item ends with ...
whereLike("title", Db::endsWith("char"))

// item includes ...
whereLike("title", Db::includes("char"))

// item starts and ends with ...
whereLike("title", Db::word("char", "ter"))


This is an alias for whereLike. So you can use like instead of whereLike


This combines orWhere and whereLike in a sense that orWhereLike compares using OR instead of AND, just like orWhere, but instead uses the LIKE operator just as whereLike does. The interesting thing is that you can combine it with any other where block to make a more complex query.

$items = $db->select("items")
            ->where("published", true)
            ->whereLike("title", $db->beginsWith("sa"))
            ->orWhereLike("description", $db->beginsWith("sa"))


This is an alias for orWhereLike. So you can use orLike instead of orWhereLike

Getting your data

After the query is run, the data is returned to leaf db. You can use the methods below to retrieve that data.


fetchAll is a method that's used together with the select method. This method simply returns an array consisting of a lot of objects. It is mostly used when querying multiple rows.

$items = $db->select("items")->fetchAll();

Although the query here is $db->select("items"), running just this would return nothing. To actually get the result of this query, you'd need to call execute, fetchObj, fetchAssoc or fetchAll


all is an alias for fetchAll, but is shorter and more familiar with devs who have used other packages. Don't worry, fetchAll isn't getting deprecated, you can use it just as you've always done.


first returns the first entity of all matching results for a certain query.

function getFirstItem()
  // ...
  return $db->select("items")->first();


last returns the last entity of all matching results for a certain query.

function getLastItem()
  // ...
  return $db->select("items")->last();


This method is used on queries which don't return anything like insert, update and delete queries. This method just runs the desired query and returns void, however, if there is a problem, it returns null. You can then call $db->errors() to get the exact error.

From v2.4-beta up, execute takes in an optional parameter, the type of values passed into bind, params or where

$db->insert("users")->params(["username" => "mychi"])->execute("s");


This is just like fetchAll except that fetchObj is used on select queries usually involving one row

$db->select("users")->where("id", "1")->fetchObj();

If fetchAll is used in this case, the result would look something like this:

    "id" => "1"

Also, note that fetchObj returns an object, so you can use the result like this

$user = $db->select("users")->where("id", "1")->fetchObj();
$user->id // not $user["id"]


This is just like the fetchObj method, except that it returns an associative array, not an object.

$user = $db->select("users")->where("id", "1")->fetchAssoc();
$user["id"]; // not $user->id

Table operations


table sets the table pointer for the db table being used. table can be combined with other methods like search.


Just as the name implies, you can use this method to search for a value in the database table. It is used with the table method.

$res = $db->table("items")->search("name", "chocola");

This will try to find an item which has chocola in it's name field.


Insert provides a much simpler syntax for making insert queries.

$db->insert("users") // faster than $db->query("INSERT INTO users")


This method is used on insert and update just like how where is used on select and delete.

$db->insert("users")->params("username", "mychi");

To actually run this query, you have to call execute.

$db->insert("users")->params("username", "mychi")->execute();

This inserts a user with a username of mychi into the users table. But what if you wanted to add more params, simple!

  "username" => "mychi",
  "email" => ""

You're free to arrange this query anyhow you see fit, it's still considered as a single chain.

     "username" => "mychi",
     "email" => "",
     "password" => md5("test")

What if you already registered someone with the username mychi, this tiny flaw could break your authentication system. That's where unique comes in🧐


Just as the name implies, unique helps prevent duplicates in your database, fun fact, just chain one more method for this functionality🤗

     "username" => "mychi",
     "email" => "",
     "password" => md5("test")
   ->unique("username", "email")

If you have a 100 unique values, don't feel shy, just line them all up.

->unique("username", "email", "what-not", ...)

Alternatively, you could just pack a truck load full of uniques in an array

->unique(["username", "email", "what-not", ...])


Quickly write an update query.

$db->update("users")->params("location", "Ghana")->where("id", "1")->execute();

This is generally how an update looks like. Just like with insert, you can add up uniques to make sure you don't have duplicates in your database.

you can chain in unique here as well.


Let's jump straight in for an example.

$db->delete("users")->execute();// careful now🙂

This code above, ladies and gentlemen, will wipe all your users resulting in 7 digit loses🤞

$db->delete("users")->where("id", "1")->execute();

You have succesfully deleted user 1


At this point, there's still a whole lot you can do with Leaf Db.

There are times when you have to insert data you don't know about. What happens if your user enters unsupported info. To fix this, you'll have to run a bunch of checks to find out what kind of information is being saved, but what if you could validate data before saving without writing any extensive validation? Well...prepare to be amazed🧐


Validate makes sure that correct information is saved in your database. You simply need to chain the validate method.

     "username" => "mychi",
     "email" => "",
     "password" => md5("test")
   ->validate("username", "validUsername")

Validate takes in 2 parameters, a field to validate and a validation rule. You can find all the validation rules and what they do here. So what if you need to validate more than 1 parameter?

     "username" => "mychi",
     "email" => "",
     "password" => md5("test")
     "username" => "validUsername",
     "email" => "email"

Amazing right?!


Not all information which is retrieved from the database is sent over to the client side or is added to the session or cookies. Usually, some fields are left out for "security" reasons. hidden returns the retrieved data without the hidden fields.

$db->select("users")->hidden("remember_token", "reset_q_id")->fetchAll();
$db->select("users")->where("id", "1")->hidden("remember_token", "reset_q_id")->fetchObj();


That's right, just imagine doing the opposite of hidden, instead of hiding fields from the query data, add lets you add your own fields into the query data.


This does not touch your database, it only appends a field into the data returned from the database.

$db->select("users")->add("tx_id", gID())->fetchAll();

This query adds a tx_id field with a value generated from gID to every user

$db->select("users")->where("id", "1")->add("tx_id", "d362d7t2366")->fetchObj();

This is similar as the query above, except that this query is on the scale of a single user.


We've already seen bind in action, but we've not actually talked about it. This method allows you to bind parameters into your query.

$db->select("users WHERE username = ?")->bind("mychi")->fetchAssoc();

And yet again another syntax🧐 As said above, Leaf Db is highly customizable, and allows you to write queries in a way that suits you. This statement above binds mychi to the username.

$db->select("users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?")->bind("mychi", "password")->fetchAssoc();

You can just pass multiple parameters into bind, as many as satisfy your query. If you feel more comfortable with arrays, you can use arrays.

$db->select("users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?")->bind(["mychi", "password"])->fetchAssoc();


orderBy allows you to arrange the query results according to a row, in ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order.

// if second param is not provided, desc is used by default
$items = $db->select("items")->orderBy("created_at")->all();

... orderBy("id", "desc")->all();


When retrieving data from your database for use in applications, you might want to show only a specific number of values.

$itemsPerPage = 15;
$items = $db->select("items")->limit($itemsPerPage)->fetchAll();

// you can use limit and orderBy together
$items = $db->select("items")->orderBy("id", "desc")->limit($itemsPerPage)->fetchAll();

error handling

Errors come up all the time, user errors, that is. What happens when validation fails, or if someone has already registered a username. Leaf Db provides a simple way to track these errors.

$res = $db->insert("users")->params("username", "mychi")->unique("username")->execute();
if ($res === false) $app->response->exit($db->errors());

Using $db->errors() returns an array holding any errors which caused the query to fail. eg:

  "email" => "email already exists",
  "username" => "username can only contain characters 0-9, A-z and _"
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